
Girl Child Empowerment

142 Santa Monica, LA, USA Mar 13, 10AM

Devlai’ is a Village in Aurangabad district of the state of Maharashtra in India. It is almost 10km far from the nearest Railway Station. The people of this village are from a scheduled caste and are financially Below the Poverty Line.

As per the survey that the Umeed team conducted in the village, it was understood that very few were educated. Between the age of 12 and 14, the girls are married. To this end, they are trained from a very young age in the art and responsibilities of household chores and to take care of their family. Before the age of 12, they are prepared for marriage.

The common perception is that the girl child will mostly be at home after marriage, which is understood as the ideal place for a woman. This idea raises the question of the purpose of educating the girl child, why spend money when there’s no benefit to the family. Hence, children just miss their childhood and their basic Right to Education.

By the age of 14, most girls of this village become mothers who have to manage the whole responsibility by themselves. The young child-mother has to take care of her children without even understanding the concept or meaning of her responsibilities. As with most situations, the husband turns to be alcoholic and domestic violence is a common practice in most of the homes in this village.

The hapless girls-women remain helpless as they cannot approach their families, as the general teaching is to take care of your marital affairs and stay with your husband. Also, the precedent of having watched their mothers being abused by their fathers has also constructed an understanding that women have to depend on their husbands and stick through the issues. The vicious cycle of bondage to circumstances continues.

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